BestAzon is one of the most popular plugins for Amazon Affiliates using WordPress CMS (or for that matter, Joomla or any other CMS!). However, WordPress, being the awesome CMS that it is, offers way more for Amazon Affiliates and there are tons of Free WordPress Plugins available that take the grunt work out of operating an Amazon Affiliate site on WordPress – leaving you with more time to focus on where it matters (counting money!). Below is the list of the very Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates.
Note that none of the links below are affiliate links – that means that the following list is not influenced by any commercial considerations, and are truly the plugins that we have tried and found highly useful for Amazon Affiliate Sites Built using WordPress. Most of these plugins have a very wide user base, 4+ ratings and are actively developed and supported.
Summary: 11 Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates
This is a long post with tons of details. However if you are in a rush, here it is – list of Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates. This list is in no particular order, and you may not need all of them. But these plugins, for most part, will enable you to do whatever is currently possible on WordPress when it comes to Amazon affiliates.
Go ahead install them.. and if you want to know more, just scroll below for details on each of the 11 Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates
- Amazon Auto Links – Amazon Associates Affiliate Plugin
- Amazon Product in a Post Plugin
- WP Amazon Ads
- WooCommerce Product Feed Export : Google, Bing, eBay, Amazon, Facebook and more
- ScrapeAZon
- Content Egg
- Pretty Link Lite
- Amazon Link Localization by BestAzon
- Amazon JS
- AmazonSimpleAdmin
- Amazon Link
Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates: Amazon Auto Links – Amazon Associates Affiliate Plugin
Still manually searching products and pasting affiliate links? What happens if the products get outdated? With this plugin, you do not have to worry about it nor trouble to do such repetitive tasks. Just pick categories which suit your site and it will automatically display the links of decent products just coming out from Amazon today. This is simply one of the very Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates!
The links are tagged with your Amazon Associate ID. The plugin supports 10 Amazon locales and works even on JavaScript disabled browsers. Insert the ads as widget or place generated shortcode or PHP code where the links should appear.
If you want to search a specific product, yes, you can do that too. If you are good at HTML and CSS coding and know a little about PHP, you can create your own template! That means you can design the layout.
Display affiliate links along with your posts with this plugin to generate actual income with minimal efforts.

Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates: Amazon Product in a Post Plugin
Amazon’s Product Advertising API Terms of Use requires you have an AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key of your own to use. Amazon Product In a Post Plugin is used to to quickly add a formatted Amazon Product/Item to a post or page by using just the Amazon product ASIN.
- Add any Amazon product or item to an existing Post (or Page) or custom Post Type (using the shortcode).
- Monetize your blog posts with custom Amazon Product and add your own Reviews, descriptions or any other thing you would normally want to add to a post – and still have the Amazon product there.
- Easily add only the items that are right for your site.
- Add the product to the TOP of the post content, the BOTTOM of the post content, or make the post content become part of the product layout (see screenshots for examples)
- You can now add as many products as you want to any existing page/post content using a Shortcode – see Installation or FAQ page for details.
- Limited French, German and Spanish language support for text labels in displayed product (a future version will use Localization).
If you have an Amazon Affiliate account and you don’t think the available Amazon widgets are that great or are what you need, then this one of the Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates might be for you!

Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates: WP Amazon Ads
Allows you to insert a listing of related Amazon products, on the single post page by using a custom field called amazon_search and inserting simple code in your template file. The listings are completely customizable according to parameters defined in the admin panel. If you include an Amazon Associate ID, you can even earn commission! Also allows you to share revenue with your authors on a multi-author blog. Whoever wrote the post gets credit in the listings. Creates a custom field on the author profile pages so they can input their campaign ID. Whoever wrote the post gets credit in the listing.

Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates: WooCommerce Product Feed Export
The Shopping Cart Product Feed for WooCommerce & WP-ECommerce (Getshopped) creates the native output required by each merchant (over 40 now!) of any product category (and all product details) for native import. It includes all required feed types for Google Merchant Center, Amazon Seller, Amazon Shopper, Shopzilla, eBay Merchant, NexTag for variable & non-variable products.
The created feeds are available for export (timed and on demand) for these merchant providers – and ALWAYS up to date. The feeds pull from your current product catalogues as you update them – so your merchants are [never out of date].
Over 40 different Merchants Are Supported! – * Google Merchant & Google Trusted Store & Google Adwords * Amazon Seller, Amazon Product Ads * AmmoSeek * Beslist * Become * Bing! * eBay Merchant * Facebook Dynamic Ads * GoDataFeed * GraziaShop * Houzz * Kelkoo * Newegg * NextTag * PriceGrabber * Pronto * Rakuten & Rakuten UK * * ShopZilla * Shareasale * Slickguns * Webgains * XML & CSV & TXT & Excel Export * Bonanza * Winesearcher * Atterley * Miinto * Pricefalls * Avantlin
Free Version — Includes all functionality, however is limited to 3 feeds & 10 items each

Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates: ScrapeAZon
The ScrapeAZon plugin displays customer reviews of specific products that you choose. You must be a participant in both the Affiliate Program and the Product Advertising API in order to use this plugin. You can join the Affiliate Program by following the instructions at the program page. You can join the Product Advertising API by following the instructions at the Product Advertising API page.
- Uses a shortcode to display customer reviews for a specific Amazon product.
- Reviews iframe can be styled manually from the shortcode, via custom CSS, or via a built-in responsive style sheet.
- Includes an “Amazon Reviews” widget that can be used in place of or in addition to the shortcode.
- Supports WordPress localization (i18n)
- Can pull reviews from Amazon International sites, not just (US).
- Implements the latest version of the API.

Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates: Content Egg
Easily adding auto updating products from affiliate systems and additional content to posts.
- Search and add to post additional relevant content: videos, images, news, etc.
- Easily adding offers from different affiliate systems by keyword.
- Autoblogging – monetizing and content auto pilot.
- Multilanguage: make site on any language.
- Automatic updating prices and offers.
- Option to generate auto updating price comparison lists of actual offers by keyword.
- Options to set search filters for modules (price range, discount, categories, best offers, CC license, etc).
- Automatically adds your partner ID to links.
- Price tracker and price alert.
- Easy interface: add all content from post admin page.
- Custom output templates.
- Works with any theme.
- Works through official API.
- Works with wordpress shortcodes.

Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates: Pretty Link Lite
Shrink, beautify, track, manage and share any URL on or off of your WordPress website. Create links that look how you want using your own domain name! While this is not specifically for Amazon Affiliates, this plugin is so awesome that we decided to include it in our list of Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates.. really, you need to get this!
Pretty Link enables you to shorten links using your own domain name (as opposed to using,, or any other link shrinking service)! In addition to creating clean links, Pretty Link tracks each hit on your URL and provides a full, detailed report of where the hit came from, the browser, os and host. Pretty Link is a killer plugin for people who want to clean up their affiliate links, track clicks from emails, their links on Twitter to come from their own domain, or generally increase the reach of their website by spreading these links on forums or comments on other blogs.

Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates: Amazon Link Localization by BestAzon
Amazon Link Localization by BestAzon will automatically direct visitors to their local Amazon stores. FREE, FAST, NO SIGNUP NEEDED. This plugin will immediately boost your earnings by 20-40% – making it an easy pick for our list of Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates!
- Free: The BestAzon plugin for WordPress is free to use, and will remain free – no feature will ever be locked.
- Automatic Amazon Link Localization: Automatically converts any Amazon link to a global link that will redirect the visitor to the Amazon Website in that country. Thus, you do not lose commission on such visitors. You’ll see an immediate bump in your Amazon commissions upon installing BestAzon.
- No registration needed: No need to register on another website or API – the plugin does what it’s supposed to out of box without making you jump hoops and asking for your information.
- Fastest: Every milliseond matters while redirecting vistors to local stores. We serve from edge nodes across the world – meaning 100% uptime, and the redirect takes less than 0.4 seconds on average.
- Covers all Amazon Stores: Supports all Amazon stores worldwide
- Works for all Amazon Links: Works for product pages, search pages, category pages and homepages. Works for long url (Amazon….) as well as short URL ( Even works for Amazon links which are redirected through another link redirecting service (such as prettylinks, or bitly).
- Automatic Affiliate Linking: Automatically converts any Amazon link to an affiliate link with your affiliate ID for the country the visitor is from.
- Flexible: Tons of additional options for advanced users
- 100% Reversible: Does not change any of your content unlike other plugins. If you uninstall/deactivate BestAzon, your site will not break, and will go back to how it was.

Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates: Amazon JS
Easy to add an Amazon product to your post and you can customize display it by using jQuery template. With over 10K installs and high ratings, its easy to see how this plugin is one of the very Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates.
AmazonJS displays Amazon products on your WordPress posts and pages. AmazonJS adds a search form to WordPress post form. Then you can search Amazon products by keyword, ASIN or URL, and add shortcode or html to your post from results of search.
AmazonJS uses `amazonjs’ shortcode and jQuery template to display Amazon products. View the work data at runtime, Javascript allows various representations. AmazonJS has some template to Amazon products for each Product Group, it can how to display the different Amazon products, such as books and music.

Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates: AmazonSimpleAdmin
AmazonSimpleAdmin lets you easily integrate Amazon products into your WordPress pages. By using the template feature, you can present the products in different styles on different pages. All by typing simple BBCode tags.
This plugin significantly expands your capabilities to manage your Amazon content in a single place – its easily one of the Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates!

Best Free WordPress Plugins for Amazon Affiliates: Amazon Link
This plugin is used to quickly add Amazon products links to your WordPress posts and pages. The product links can be simple text links, thumbnail images, full-size images, complex templates or full-blown Amazon flash widgets.
The product links that can be for any of the Amazon domains (UK, US, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, India and Japan).
The content of the product links can be statically entered by the Author (when the link is created), or dynamically refreshed when displayed using data from the Amazon site that is most appropriate for the nationality of the reader.
The product links to be displayed can be specified when the link is created, using the built in Amazon search widget, or dynamically generated by searching the content of the site.
All product links will contain the Amazon affiliate ID of the site author and will be the relevant one for that locale. This allows you to collect commission on any products purchased through the links.

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