Honestly, we made BestAzon because Vigilink/Skimlinks wasn’t cutting it.
Having said that, here is an objective assessment of BestAzon vs. services such as Vigilink / Skimlinks:
How BestAzon is better than Vigilink and Skimlinks:
- Vigilink and Skimlink charge a very high commission (25%) on any sale made by your visitors. BestAzon charges nothing (0%) – that means you keep 100% of your commissions from Amazon Affiliate programs
- You need to register on Vigilink/Skimlinks, and provide your information including your affiliate id details etc to their site. You don’t need to register anywhere to use BestAzon. This means more ease of use and protection of your privacy.
- Vigilink and Skimlink redirect all of your links to their service. BestAzon redirects only Amazon links. This means less redirection, and confidentiality of your website traffic.
How Vigilink and Skimlinks offer that BestAzon does not?
- Vigilink and Skimlink cover broader range of programs than BestAzon. If you refer products from online stores other than Amazon, those services may help you get global commissions from those services. Having said that, we think that’s not a huge advantage because 1) read the section above, 2) Amazon has the most products and best affiliate program and its very likely that the same product can be found on an Amazon store and c) the other affiliate programs (Save for exceptions of ebay and itunes) are typically single country or global. Thus, a localization service is not really needed
- Vigilink and Skimlink also offer other services apart from link localization – including automatic content linking. While that is useful at times, we believe that excessive content linking may cause bad user experience.
why bestazon not charging too much, is there any problem with it??